An Exciting Discovery


For some reason I’ve been having a sudden outbreak of pimples. Ugh! I know that’s really not a fun thing to write a blog post about (or read one about for that matter!) but it will get better I promise!

Since I thought of all the different products available for breakouts, I decided to do a little internet research and discovered Clean & Clear’s Persa Gel 10. Let me tell you, there were great reviews on this product as spot treatment. So, I decided to go and pick some up. First, I happened to think about a coupon and went to their website which is and registered for their site to get a $2 coupon off ANY Clean & Clear product (excluding trial size)!

Then, imagine my surprise to find there was a bonus with the product! A cute little Morning Burst facial cleanser. It looked like this:


This product was $5.58 before tax at our local Wal-Mart. And it came with the bonus cleanser. And I had a $2 coupon. But, the best part? IT WORKS!! SCORE!!

3 thoughts on “An Exciting Discovery

  1. meldewdesigns says:

    Congrats!!! Having pimples as an adult really sucks because you think that once you’re done with puberty, you won’t have to deal with it anymore!! LOL I’m so glad you found something that helps!!

    I’ll have to go pick me some up as well for those occasional breakouts. You know what I need? Something good for blackheads…UGH!! 🙂


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