Run Away to a Cozy Reading Nook


Stress. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t have stress on some level at some point. To find a stolen, quiet moment here and there seems like such a faraway dream. While most of us can’t just drop out of life and run away to a relaxing vacation as often as we like, we actually can do a few things in our homes to plan an escape of our own.


Reading is highly recommended for our mental health. According to a 2009 study at the University of Sussex, it can reduce stress by 68%! Fascinating, isn’t it? Consider it brain cardio and brain strengthening. It’s important. So, if we create a cozy little place in the corner of a relaxing room, we can escape there with a good book…completely guilt free. After all, we have to take care of ourselves first and that’s an excellent way to start.


Reading nooks can be elaborate or simple, depending upon your space and your vision. Any office or living room immediately comes to mind as generally those are areas with chairs and lighting present. There are many options, though. If you have a porch or 4 seasons room, perhaps it’s there. Perhaps you have other family members who might crowd your space, a nice corner in the bedroom might be the ticket. And, yes, a rock outdoors can totally work, too.



For the most comfortable space, we’ll need to start with good seating such as a chaise, chair or even a good spot on the floor. A nice large basket nearby is an excellent decorating choice. It can hold a blanket for keeping a chill off, a couple of pillows for comfort, some reading glasses if needed and, of course, books. It will keep everything inviting, as well as organized and stylish.


Recently, I set up an escape in my living room that consists of a chair and a large basket holding a fluffy throw and fuzzy pillow. I can tuck the books and my reading glasses down into the basket or I can leave them on top of the chair – either way is a beautiful display and also a conversation piece when guests are visiting. Books and reading are fascinating to discuss…especially really realllllly good books.


Of course, it’s enjoyable to read in different places and even to read outside our homes in coffee shops, libraries, even in our cars. There’s nothing like being comfy cozy in our own homes…in a place created just for us.


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